Marion County Judge LeAnn Mackey-Barnes is a Marion County native. She attended Reddick Collier Elementary and North Marion Middle schools and graduated from North Marion High School. She has earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in criminal justice and sociology and a juris doctorate from UF. Her legal career spans more than 22 years, including as a chief assistant public defender.
What’s your favorite meal?
My husband is a native of New Orleans and for the 28 years we have been together, Louisiana seafood gumbo has been my favorite meal. Before that, my favorite dish was anything my mom prepared, especially Momma Mackey’s Banana Pudding. My guilty pleasure is a slice of vanilla or spider cake from Betty Cakes and Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes.
Favorite place to dine in Ocala/Marion County?
Ipanema Brazilian Steak House and Latinos y Mas. Their food, ambience and service make every dining experience enjoyable.
Where have you traveled to?
Cruising is my favorite mode of transportation, and I love going to any all-inclusive location in Jamaica, and to Orlando and New Orleans. Africa is my dream travel destination, and I look forward to traveling there to celebrate my 25th wedding anniversary next year.
books, movies and music:
What are you currently reading?
My favorite reading material is anything involving the law. I am currently reading Just Mercy by Byran Stevenson.
What’s your favorite movie?
John Wick, and I can’t wait for the next chapter. I enjoy gospel and rhythm and blues. My favorite artists are Le’Andria Johnson and Jamie Foxx.
Hardest thing you’ve ever done?
Campaigning in three elections and having to bury my father and my brother.
Coolest thing you’ve ever done?
Be a judge at the Marion County Christmas parade and travel to the Soviet Union (USSR/Russia) as a foreign exchange student in the eighth grade without my parents, where I boarded my first flight and witnessed snow for the first time. This sparked my love of traveling and was an experience of a lifetime.
pet peeves:
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Bullying and disrespectful behaviors.
Who influenced your life the most?
My parents. They instilled in me the importance of prioritizing spirituality and generosity over material wealth and the significance of love, support and family.
Who do you hope to influence?
My aspiration is to inspire the youth of Marion County to remain committed to their dreams and understand they will face challenges but as long as they remain focused and make smart choices, they can achieve their dreams just like I have.
Favorite colors?
Classic or trendy?
Both, as long as they fit me nicely, and I have a weakness for shoes, shoes and more shoes.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs have my heart. I dislike and have a fear of snakes.
Introvert or extrovert?
Introextrovert (if there is such a word). I’m an introvert until I watch football, which brings out the extrovert.
volunteer activity:
With what groups are you, or have you, been involved?
I am currently a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., Ocala Women’s Network, Marion County Bar Association, on the board of the Marion County Children’s Alliance and chairman for the Florida High School Athletic Appeals Committee. I have been involved with Pace Center for Girls of Marion County, Kiwanis Club of Marion County, teen court and the Marion County Youth Football League. My community service includes delivering motivational speeches to local children and participating in career day and mock trial events.