The Expo Guide

Register for panel discussions, demonstrations, classes and workshops at the upcoming Ocala Style Women’s Expo: A Girl’s Day Out, presented by Joan Pletcher Real Estate Network.




Women supporting women, discussions on all your favorite topics and brunch-inspired nibbles. If you haven’t purchased your tickets to the Ocala Style Women’s Expo, what are you waiting for? Tickets are only $5 plus a small processing fee, and those ticket sales go directly to Ignite for Ocala.

We’ve put together a celebration of women, by women and for women, complete with local shopping favorites, relevant discussions by experts, big-ticket giveaway items and much more. In order to secure your spot at a workshop, activity or panel discussion, you’ll need to click the sign-up link next each offering below to register.

Go ahead—design your very own Girl’s Day Out experience. And don’t forget to share it with us using #ocalastyleGDO.



We will have a total of six panel discussion throughout the day. The panels are divided into two “tracks” with two panels occurring at the same time (one for each track) over the course of the afternoon. You cannot, therefore, attend all of the panels since the two tracks will be happening simultaneously. But you may choose to attend panel discussions from either track—there is no restriction of following one track all day. Space for the panels is limited, so we ask that you reserve your place online. If you have not reserved, attendance to the panels will be handled on a first come-first serve basis, following admittance of all those who reserve a place.


The Art of Self-Care – 1:45-2:30 pm – Room 210: SIGN UP HERE

How to make changes to improve your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health.

Moderator: Cealia Athanason, Ocala Publications


SPEAKER 1: Jeanne Henningsen: Saying Yes to Saying No

Topic description: Many of us just say yes because it’s easier. Some of us feel obligated or have a hard time saying no, so we just take on more and more. It takes courage to do less. Learn 3 Strategies for Setting Healthy Boundaries with Integrity and Grace.

BIO: Jeanne Henningsen has coached hundreds of business leaders and owners on communicating and collaborating on a deeper level to achieve higher performance, learning and feeling comfortable resolving conflict, and finding true joy and passion in their work. Jeanne has an M.S. in Industrial Organizational Psychology, is a Certified Professional Coach (CPC), and a TEDx speaker. She is certified in the world-renowned Center for Creative Leadership’s 360 leadership feedback assessments, qualified in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, in addition to a variety of other assessment tools.

When Jeanne is not elevating others to their truth, she is hanging out with her wonderful husband, princess daughter, and furry angels. She is also the founder of Ignite for Ocala.


SPEAKER 2: Leda l. Perez: Creating an Extraordinary Life

Topic descriptionThe invisible power you have to manifest the extraordinary life you want. The choices you make can bring you either a good journey or unwanted consequences. “Creating Extraordinarily” means looking at your relationships, career, awareness, physical activity and how they inform your choices.

BIO: Leda l. Perez is an Integrative Health Coach with over 30 years experience. She practices a holistic approach to health and wellness, meaning she looks at how all areas of your life are connected. She understands that life happens and needs will change. Leda has a firm belief that each person is fully capable of making well-informed decisions as their own expert and together co-creates your health and wellness goals whatever they are.


SPEAKER 3: Colleen Griffin: Overcoming Perfectionism 

Topic description:

What’s wrong with being a perfectionist? Sometimes perfectionism can be an asset, however expecting yourself to be perfect all the time sets you up for all kinds of uncomfortable and unsuccessful experiences such as: frustration, procrastination, low self-esteem, anxiety and even depression. Learn how to gradually shift your focus toprogress not perfection; on the process, not the outcome.

BIO: Colleen Griffin passionately shares her knowledge and experience through teaching a wide variety of classes about physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health and well-being at Master the Possibilities. All of the classes she teaches are designed to empower the attendees to live a happier and healthier life. Colleen likes to keep things simple, practical and fun; and this reflects in her teaching style. She is a free spirit who is fully inspired by life and deeply passionate about teaching. She wears many hats and is often referred to as a Jill of all trades – she is the creator of the True Radiance System, a Human Design Specialist, a certified Grief Recovery Specialist, a certified life coach and health coach, and an Emotional Freedom Technique practitioner. Colleen is committed to learning and growing and she takes great pleasure in helping others to live life authentically.


A Purposeful Life – 1:45-2:30 pm – Room 212: SIGN UP HERE

Ideas to help address challenges we are experiencing in ourselves, our families, communities, cities and beyond.

Moderator: Jessi Miller, Ocala Publications


SPEAKER 1: Heart Phoenix: Transforming Our Communities through Peacebuilding 

Topic descriptionExploring the idea of working together for safer communities by taking the approach of addressing conflict and violence with a continuum of prevention, intervention and restorative strategies involving youth and adult populations, including those healing from the otherwise lasting impact of violence.

BIO: Heart Phoenixwork, service and activism have spanned over five decades. As an educator, activist and champion of the environment, peacebuilding, gender equality, animal rights and social, racial and ethnic justice, she brings the passion and energy of her name. Heart is currently living her dream in Gainesville, Florida as Board President of the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, in honor of her son. Her tireless efforts to launch and drive the work of addressing conflict and violence with a continuum of prevention, intervention and restorative strategies involving the general public, youth and adult populations, including those healing from the otherwise lasting impact of violence has been made possible through successful collaboration and partnerships with the Department of Juvenile Justice, Gainesville Police Department, Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, District Schools, Mental Health providers and countless others. She is also co-founder of The Peace Alliance a national non-profit working towards the passage of legislation that calls for nonviolent solutions to conflicts. She serves on the Board of the Florida Restorative Justice Association and has been a leading voice for the midwives’ model of care as a long-time board member of the Florida School of Traditional Midwifery.


SPEAKER 2: Kelly McManis-Panasuk: Listening with Intent

Topic description: Kelly shares her perspectives on how listening with intent can be transformative and how the type of learner you are can inform your listening skills.

BIO: Kelly McManis-Panasuk is a teacher​ at Forest High School in Ocala, Florida. During the ​2018 Forest High School Shooting she helped stop shooter Sky Bouche,​ by talking to him until police arrived. Her calm demeanor and ability to listen to the shooter, in this moment of crisis, allowed her to diffuse the situation and guide him away from his weapon. She started working at Forest High School in 2008 with a teaching certificate in Business Education. In 2009, she became the advisor of FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) and has had a fantastic time nurturing her students to become future business leaders. Prior to becoming an educator, Kelly had a successful 13-year career managing, developing and implementing solutions to marketing challenges for a direct mail marketing advertiser.


SPEAKER 3: Laurie W. Zink: Creating and Sustaining Meaningful Change While Conquering Your Fears 

Topic descriptionThoughts on how to move forward when you are told “No” or doing something that has never been done that way before…even when you feel paralyzed by fear.

BIO: Laurie W. Zink is a creative, results-driven professional with entrepreneurial vision, who has over 25 years of experience greatly impacting growth and performance in both not-for-profit and for-profit organizations. Due to her love of the arts, Laurie became one of the founding members of Marion Cultural Alliance, a not-for-profit arts council which was developed to provide funding for community arts organizations, and subsequently was the chairman of both the inaugural and anniversary Horse Fever public arts projects. While working as the Development Director for the Centers, Laurie designed and created Kidfetti, the first of its kind, kid-centric, outdoor music and cultural festival and conceived Healing Heart, an art show featuring the works of the physically and/or mentally disadvantaged that celebrate the power of healing through the arts. Laurie is a partner in the creation and foundation of the Silver Springs International Film Festival in Marion County, Florida and serves as the volunteer Executive Director of both the festival and the Ocala Film Foundation, which focuses on elevating awareness of Ocala and Marion County, Florida, Florida’s Silver Springs State Park and the area’s contributions to the history of cinema and the cultural landscape of Florida, while providing student scholarships, classroom grants and downtown revitalization. Laurie is the Development and Community Outreach Director at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), a world-renown research facility that pioneers technologies aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities. She currently serves as the Chairman of the Ocala Municipal Arts Commission and the A/V Technology and Communications Business Advisory Council.


Ignite the Spark – 2:45-3:30 pm – Room 210: SIGN UP HERE

Simple things you can do to feel better now.

Moderator: Cealia Athanason, Ocala Publications


Speaker 1: Lori Witkowich: Just Breathe

Topic descriptionLori will explore our ability to connect to the present moment by using the power of our breath and lead participants through a quick breathing exercise.

BIO: Lori Witkowich is an Associate Professor in Communications and the Coordinator of Teaching, Learning and Engagement Institute at the College of Central Florida.  She is the 2016-2019 recipient of the Karve Endowed Chair at the College of Central Florida, and her grant project focuses on bringing contemplative practices to the faculty, students, and staff at the college. She has been teaching English and Reading courses at the college since 2011.  She is a mindfulness enthusiast and enjoys helping others reach their fullest potential. She is also a Yoga Alliance registered teacher and she has been practicing yoga for over 14 years.


Speaker 2: Patricia Wagner: The Choice is Yours 

Topic descriptionExploring ways to develop a mindset which optimizes personal achievement and helps create success through the power of our own thoughts.

BIO: Patricia Wagner is a popular presenter and teacher who earned the Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award from Toastmasters International. Her talks and classes uplift audiences and change lives with wisdom that connects the pieces of life’s puzzle together. She enjoyed a successful career in commercial real estate in the Tampa Bay area. Her last employment was as a director with the Tampa Downtown Partnership. She counts among her successes overseeing the development of Lykes Gaslight Square, an award winning park in the heart of downtown Tampa, plus formation of the Tampa Downtown Guides and Tampa Downtown Clean Team. Patricia is the owner of Grace Unlimited Inc. and the founder of a mindfulness practice called Looking for Light.


Speaker 3: Lisa Bubba: Laughter Yoga

Topic description: Laughter Yoga, developed in the 1990’s, is a relatively new branch of yoga that can trace its origins back to over 5,000 years ago. Just like Hatha Yoga, which uses the breath to create a link between the body and the mind, Laughter Yoga has physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual benefits. It is easy to learn, fun to practice and requires no mat. Lisa will guide us through the practice of Laughter Yoga.

BIO: Lisa Bubba has been practicing and teaching yoga since 1967. She studied in NYC with Swami Satchidananda, taught yoga in YMCA’s throughout the New York Metropolitan area, Coastline Community College in California, at CF and Marion County School’s Adult Education programs. Lisa, also a certified Tai chi teacher, has always been open to the benefits of movement. As an elementary school teacher for forty years, she learned first-hand the magical aspects of movement. Most recently, she has become enamored by the positive advantages of Laughter Yoga and its ease of access for all.

Be the Heroine of Your Own Life – 2:45-3:30 pm – Room 212: SIGN UP HERE

An examination of the way women tell their stories and explore the topic of domestic abuse.

Moderator: Jeanne Henningsen


SPEAKER 1: Belea T. Keeney: Telling Women’s Stories: The Heroine’s Journey

Topic descriptionWe all have a story to tell. How we tell our story is very personal and very individual. Belea will explore the various ways in which women tell their stories.

BIO: Belea T. Keeney is a highly acclaimed author of several award-winning works of fiction, including her novel The Tiger Whisperer, which won the 2014 Cat Writers Association Best Book Award. She is also a highly regarded editor, who specializes in memoir writing and has helped many individuals tell their stories. She works closely with authors to present their stories in a compelling and reader-friendly manner. She has worked for AARP, Gleim Publications, JMS Books, New York Life Insurance Company, Samhain Publishing, Torquere Press and a variety of freelance clients.


SPEAKER 2: Mickie Zada: Surviving Domestic Abuse and Thriving

Topic descriptionCurrently, 1 in 3 women will experience abuse at the hand of an intimate partner at some time in her life; it’s at an epidemic level and effects almost everyone. The only remedy is that victims must embrace personal growth/development.

BIO: Mickie Zada is a change-agent, content-creator, catalyst and advocate for women, especially those who have escaped domestic abuse. She is a survivor of an abusive marriage. Her business is called Surviving Abuse Network and includes a weekly podcast, live Facebook videos and her blog. She has been teaching personal growth for over 10 years. She is also a Toastmaster, inspirational public speaker and advocate for women. Mickie is also an author for and is the author of Looking Behind Closed Doors, a book that will be published in June 2018.


SPEAKER 3: Peggy Dahl: From Survivor to Thriver

Topic descriptionPeggy will share her personal journey from a victim of domestic violence to finding her way to empowerment, new love and a role as a victim advocate.

BIO: Peggy Dahl is a Registered Nurse and has been a nursing instructor for nearly nine years at Marion Technical College in Ocala, Florida. She has dedicated over 3,500 hours of on-call hours and emergency field response to assist victims of crime as a volunteer Victim Advocate Assistant with the Ocala Police Department. She has presented dating and domestic violence prevention to over 2,000 students and instructors. Peggy accomplished raising three children and graduating nursing school after escaping 18 years of domestic violence. She shares her story and educates the community about domestic abuse to give hope to all victims. Peggy wants victims to know it is possible for them to go from victim to survivor to thriver.


Getting Unstuck – 3:45-4:30 pm – Room 210: SIGN UP HERE

Not happy where you are? How to make impactful changes.

Moderator: Cealia Athanason, Ocala Publications


Speaker 1: Vickie Griffith: When Life Throws You a Curveball

Topic description: When life throws you a curveball, just like in the movies, for a split second everything slows down as the moment of trauma unfolds. It could be a car accident, loss of a loved one or termination of a job. Learn how to handle these situations in a confident, impactful way.

BIO: Vickie Griffith is a personal development coach and has helped thousands of individuals tap into their unique brilliance and highest potential in business and life through BreakThrough. BreakThrough is devoted to guiding women to realize their unspoken desire, wish or yearning that flickers inside. She is a regularly featured radio and tv show guest. Common themes in her teachings involve the creation of new paths of confidence and strength. She is a professional speaker and an adjunct Professor at the University of Richmond, where she is known for her infectious enthusiasm and deceptively low-key, casual approach. Vickie travels throughout the country offering keynotes, coaching and workshops. She is the author of the book ​Stucked UP! A BreakThrough Path to Unstuck.


Speaker 2: Patti Frisosky Moring: What I Realized When I Stopped Overcommitting Myself

Topic description: What can happen if you don’t learn how to stop overcommitting between your work, volunteerism, friends and family.

BIO: Patti Frisosky Moring is a Chef at the College of Central Florida where she manages the Food Services for the campus and leads the campus catering services, Rosemary and Thyme. Patti is a self-trained chef who earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Stockton State College. She has worked in the food industry for 31 years. Her career began at an Italian Bakery at the age of 14, progressed to managing up to 18 restaurants at one time and even starting her own successful soup company Butter and Broth.



Speaker 3: Melissa Townsend: Making Your Move

Topic description: Being a perfectionist and an overachiever has it’s pitfalls. Melissa found that living in a pressure-filled existence had began to take its toll on her health and personal life. Though she knew she needed to make some changes, it took awhile to come to terms with how to disrupt everything she had going on and carefully make her move. She will explore the difficulties and benefits of charting a new path.
BIO: Melissa Townsend’s family moved to the area when she was 12 years old, from Davie, Florida, but she considers Ocala her hometown. Her family’s love of horses and the construction boom of the 1980’s brought them to the area and continue to influence her today. Melissa is a Realtor with It’s All About You… Real Estate and previously worked as the City of Ocala’s Community Cultural Arts Manager. Melissa serves on the East Community Redevelopment Area Advisory Committee and looks forward to making an impact there through effective revitalization strategies. She has extensive knowledge of the Arts, Equine, and Property Management Industries. Melissa is particularly passionate about creative peacemaking tools and serves as the Vice-President of the Magnolia Art Xchange (Ocala’s first Art Incubator) and as a board member of Fine Arts For Ocala.


Professionally Speaking – 3:45-4:30pm – Room 212: SIGN UP HERE

Issues facing women in the workplace and the possibilities to grow.

Moderator: Jessi Miller, Ocala Publications


Speaker 1: Dr. Manal Fakhoury: Finding Work-Life Harmony

Topic description: Your life, as you know it, is a reflection of all your decisions. Work-life Balance is Out, It’s All About Work-life Harmony.

BIO: Dr. Manal Fakhoury is the President and CEO of Fakhoury Leadership International. With over 30 years of non-profit and leadership experience, she serves on many community and national boards. TEDxOcala Licensee/organizer and TEDxOcalaSalon curator, Gavel Club Counselor (prison clubs), BNI Educational Coordinator, and is a graduate of Leadership Florida. Manal is also a consultant pharmacist, inspirational speaker, coach, trainer and mentor. Undergraduate, and doctorate from the University of Southern California, and MBA from Webster University. Manal has been recognized with many professional and community awards including Person of the Year and Communicator of the Year. Manal was honored to participate in the Climb of Hope and summit Mt. Kilimanjaro in January 2014.


Speaker 2: Dr. Kristy H Seitz: Mentors, Get Some

Topic description: The importance of mentors in many aspects of life, and the impact thatmentors (or the lack thereof!) can have on your career and life path.

BIO: Dr. Kristy H Seitz, PhD is a Research Scientist and a computational linguist at the Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC) in Ocala, researching the utility of everyday language as a signal of mental and neurological health. Her research has established that quantifiable indicators of health can be automatically obtained and analyzed to potentially aid clinicians in the assessment and treatment of neurological and mental health disorders. She is focused on how our everyday language – what we say and how we say it – can serve as a measure of our own mental and neurological health. She has used speech recordings to detect the very earliest signs of Alzheimer’s, and has used Twitter to detect depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and other mental health disorders. Kristy joined IHMC from the Department of Defense. She received her Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), and her B.A. in English-Creative Writing from the University of Colorado at Boulder. She was an NSF Graduate Research Fellow from 2004-2007.


Speaker 3: Chanté Burkett: How to Use Social Media to Grow Your Business

Topic description: When using social media for business you’re giving your brand a voice. It’s your chance to create brand awareness on a larger scale. Social media is a way to engage with others, create brand awareness, content and effective promotion.

BIO: When Chante Burkett made her blogging debut on ​Everything Curvy & Chic​ in 2011, she immediately stood out as a vibrant talent with promise. With a dedicated audience of close to half a million followers, Chante uses her platform to educate, prepare, and empower readers to spark conversations around style, entrepreneurship, and being a woman in the modern digital world. Deemed as a tastemaker by national media, Chante’s body of work includes collaborative partnerships with major brands such as JCPenney, Rebdolls, Sephora, River Island Plus and more. She’s been featured in the world’s most read and influential news and fashion magazines such Stylecaster, Fashion Bomb Daily, Bustle, and Refinery29. In 2015, Chante shattered glass ceilings and broke ground as the first plus plus size blogger  featured in Target’s body-positive campaign, “Target Loves Every Body”. In addition to her success as a blogger and influencer, Chante’ decided that she wanted to bring her experience and knowledge in the fashion industry back home, so she opened ​One Curvy Boutique​, Florida’s first Plus size boutique offering trendy, but unique clothing and accessories at affordable price points.


Book Signing – The Tiger Whisperer by Belea T. Keeney

Marketplace, 1st Floor, Noon to 2:15pm & 4-5pm

Ocala-based Belea T. Keeney is a distinguished writer, wordsmith and native Floridian, who has penned a riveting action-based story set in Central Florida. “For The Tiger Whisperer, I researched big cats and was astonished to find out there are more tigers in captivity than in the wild.” Keeney explains of her desire to write about big cats. “The USDA estimates there are over 5,000 tigers in the United States.” Keeney was born and raised in the balmy tropics of Florida and still dreams of velvet-humid nights, the smell of orange blossoms and the croak of alligators.

The Tiger Whisperer is the story of Jarod Montaine, the owner/operator of the Bay Area Exotic Feline Refuge near Tampa, Florida. Still reeling from the unexpected end of his marriage, Jarod is hit with the biggest crisis of his life—a tornado has decimated the cat refuge. Several animals have escaped from the damaged sanctuaries, including Sultan, a 750-pound Siberian tiger. The chase is on. Along with his friend, Peter, and several volunteers, Jarod must re-capture the dangerous beast before he is killed by local authorities.” explains award-winning writer Harry James Krebs (author of the Benjamin Tucker Novels) in his review of the novel. “The story is heartwarming and tugged at my heart on numerous occasions. There was a blend of humor and suspense, and the concluding chapters are as fast-paced as humanly possible. I give this book my highest recommendation.”


Young Living Florida & Essential Oils Demonstration: 


Room 205, 1:45-2:15pm

Valerie Macri of Young Living Florida will demonstrate how to make a foaming hand soap, aroller ball for stress relief and a room or body spray using essential oils. If you’re tired of using chemicals in and around your house, there are alternatives! Follow along with Valerie, and take the products home to try them out for yourself!



Personal Safety & Self Defense Demonstration: SIGN UP HERE

Room 205, 2:30-3pm

Renee Williams, owner of The Martial Arts Center will teach a few easy but effective self defense moves and tips. We want the women of our community to feel more confident in their own strengths and abilities, as well as feeling more empowered by the knowledge that they have “options” for their own safety and self defense.



Green Smoothies: The Healthy Fast Food Demonstration: SIGN UP HERE

Room 205, 3:45-4:15pm

Ready to watch your cravings disappear, improve your focus and concentration and watch your energy soar? Then get ready to try green smoothies! Colleen Griffin of Master the Possibilities will teach you about the health benefits of green smoothies and how quick and easy it is to make them.




How to Make the Perfect Pie Crust Demonstration: SIGN UP HERE

Room 205, 3:15-3:35pm

CF Food Services Director, Chef, Founder of Butter & Broth and Baker extraordinaire Patti Frisosky Moring demonstrates tips and techniques for baking the perfect pie crust from scratch. This flaky and flavorful recipe and Patti’s expert tips will make it easy for you to create a perfect pie crust every time.


Chair Yoga Demonstration: SIGN UP HERE

Room 205, 4:30-5pm

Curious about Chair Yoga, but not sure what it is? CF’s Lori Witkowich will teach some simple exercises and breath work that can be achieved from a seated position either at home or work. Practicing these poses and sequences will minimize your discomfort throughout the day, making it easier for you to focus on your daily activities.


Hammer & Stain Classes: 

For the 1:30-2:30 class, SIGN UP HERE

For the 3:30-4:30 class, SIGN UP HERE

Room 207, 1:30-2:30 and 3:30-4:30

(extra cost applies)

Love the shabby chic look, rustic signs or clever sayings? Sign up for a hands-on woodworking experience with Hammer & Stain. Follow the link to sign up for a class and choose your project. The materials and everything needed to personalize your project will be waiting for you at the expo!



Charisse Rivers Smith – CEO I Financial Advisor, Zinnia Wealth Management, Room 101, 1:30-1:50pm: SIGN UP HERE

TOPIC: Get Control of Your Wealth: Financial discovery for married women who are riding shotgun to help them “get in the game” with their spouse and check-in on where they are with their finances.

BIO: Charisse Rivers Smith is the founder and president of Zinnia Wealth Management. Charisse is an Investment Advisor, Insurance Agent and Fiduciary. She prides herself on creative tactics and strategies for growth, income planning and protection that can be implemented with tools and vehicles to build future wealth preservation. She is recognized for her radio show in North and Central Florida called Retirement Coffee talk. She has recently been picked to co-author a book called Success of your Health and Wealth with Jack Canfield the author of Chicken Soup for the Soul Rommnd also for The Wall Street Journal “Masters of Success,” USA Today “Game Changer,” Forbes National magazine “Success Tips’ and a National Run Newsweek magazine “The Next Big Thing.”,, (833) 368-3680



Linda Doyle – Pinpoint Weight Loss, Room 101, 2:30-2:50pm: SIGN UP HERE

TOPIC: Hair testing to find out what vitamins and minerals you are lacking or have too much.

Linda Doyle has been interested in health and fitness most of adult life. She has four adult children and two grandsons, whom keep her busy along with her real estate career, personal training and figure competitions. Pinpoint Hair Scan (Epigenetic Mapping) evaluates over 800 different performance indicators, determining whether levels are normal, too high or too low. A detailed, 26-page report is generated, along with a one-page summary. The summary will determine which items need to be removed from your diet, which foods and supplements should be added and the level of urgency that the recommended changes should be made.


Brian Kilgore – Pulse Center of Ocala, LLC, Room 101, 3-3:20 pm: SIGN UP HERE

TOPIC: A drug-free therapy to get you on the path to healing, pain relief and an energized life.

Brian and his wife Kelly became acquainted with the amazing results of Pulse Electro-Magnetic Field technology (PEMF) through their own personal experiences. Realizing the vast health benefits of PEMF, they decided to make it their mission to bring this incredible technology to as many people as possible. In 2017 they began the process of opening a facility in Ocala, and Pulse Center of Ocala, LLC had their grand opening on April 9th of this year.



Dr. Brent Carter – Medical Health Center, Room 101, 3:30-3:50pm: SIGN UP HERE

TOPIC: Whatever happened to my pretty little feet?

Dr. Brent Carter received his undergraduate degree in biology from Valdosta State University in Valdosta, Georgia. After graduation Dr. Carter went on to attend Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine where he attained his Doctorate of Podiatric Medicine in 2013. Dr. Carter would go on to his residency in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery/Reconstructive Rearfoot and Ankle Surgery at Larkin Community Hospital in South Miami, Florida.



Fred Schweitz – Too Your Health Spa, Room 101, 4-4:20pm: SIGN UP HERE 

TOPIC: Longevity and health based on your blood type and The Centurion Diet.

Fred Schweitz has a degree in psychology from UCLA and a master’s degree in humanistic psychology from Biscayne College. He has studied martial arts and earned a black belt in Sher Ray Roo Karate. He is owner of five Too Your Health Spa facilities, which offer a variety of health and wellness activities. A new 5,000-square-foot Too Your Health Spa facility will focus on blood type diets, along with diets of Centurions from all over the world. It is Frank’s desire and personal goal to recreate his own health by incorporating life-saving ideas that have been proven through centuries of longevity.



Get those tickets!








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