NPBC Professional Development

Ocala Police Department 402 S Pine Ave, Ocala, FL

Join us for monthly professional developments for nonprofits in Marion County.


NPBC Professional Development: Riddle Me This: What Would You Do If…?

Ocala Police Department 402 S Pine Ave, Ocala, FL

What keeps you up at night? What bizarre scenario has happened in your nonprofit lately? Bring your buringin questions to banter with NonProfit Business Council members as we share and collaborate together. Join us for monthly professional developments for nonprofits in Marion County.


CCASA Monthly Meeting

Ocala Police Department 402 S Pine Ave, Ocala, FL

Join us for the monthly CCASA Meeting!

Protecting your Nonprofit from Embezzlement and Fraud

Ocala Police Department 402 S Pine Ave, Ocala, FL

Join speaker Karen Hatch from CenterState Bank and Donna Blaes from Duggan, Joiner & Co. as they share tips and stories of how to protect your nonprofit from embezzlement and fraud. Networking at 8:15 with the presentation beginning at 8:30 a.m. FREE for NonProfit Business Council Members