A Natural Approach

IVRx’s Dr. Ghen brings optimal health by going back to nature. 

Dr. Mitch Ghen, DO, PhD, is a world-renowned clinician and researcher with a passion for and specialty in the practice of integrative medicine. He defines integrative medicine as the marriage of conventional medicine and natural healing methods. His focus involves bypassing the concept of ‘normal’ health and taking a person back to optimal health. 

“There is, and there always has been, a way of gaining optimal health. Don’t ever feel like you’re stuck. There is so much you can do,” Dr. Ghen says. 

His expertise in integrative medicine is punctuated by 38 years of practice, four written textbooks, hundreds of submitted articles and many appearances on network TV and regular radio shows. 

Dr. Ghen is now a partner with Larry Siegel, ARNP, of Yunique Medical, bringing his positive, integrative approach and treatment methods to the practice. 

“I look at how do we stay healthy,” Ghen says. “Our concept is: Why is the person having this issue?”

Dr. Ghen believes there’s a reason for every symptom, and his approach goes back to nature. When a patient meets with him, Dr. Ghen spends a significant amount of time determining issues and engaging in why these issues are occuring. He thoroughly evaluates his clients in order to develop a fingerprint of the individual—a unique treatment plan to get them back to optimal health.

“People are sick and tired of being sick,” Dr. Ghen says. 

His model of treatment involves lifestyle changes, intravenous solutions, oral vitamins and  minerals along with diet changes, exercise and hormone-balancing options. Instead of incorporating a modern approach of treating patients with medication on top of medication, Dr. Ghen works to find the underlying cause of an issue. For example, he takes a close look at the one-cell lining of an artery when dealing with health issues, such as high blood pressure or obesity. The arterial lining can get worn due to poor diet and other reasons, and he will look at how to fix the lining on a cellular level thereby restoring youthful function and optimal health without medicines. 

Dr. Ghen’s treatment plan looks different for everyone because each person, even if they are identical in all other aspects, interacts with the environment differently. However, he looks at adjusting the following five areas within a person’s lifestyle: diet, hormone replacement, exercise, oral or intravenous nutrition and detoxification. 

“Inevitably, the patient says it’s the most thorough evaluation they’ve ever had,” Dr. Ghen says. 

Dr. Ghen sees patients both in-person at IVRx and through IVRx telemedicine program.   

IVRx  › 3629 east county rd 466 › Oxford, Fla. 34484 › (352) 553-4879 › Info@ivrx.org

Posted in Ocala Style Promotional Features

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