A Stronger Pulse And A Better Body

Everyone wants to be healthy and in shape. Unfortunately, the majority of us don’t have the motivation and will power to transform our goals into reality.

Lucky for Lake County, including residents and employees of The Villages, the trainers at Pulse Personal Training know how to keep their clients encouraged and focused.

The key? Each client works with his or her own personal trainer every time they come to the gym. A small, comfortable setting, Pulse Personal Training isn’t intimidating and it’s never crowded—and that’s a guarantee.

“People often start a fitness program planning to fail,” says Pulse Owner Dylan Scheidler. “It’s human nature to push yourself only so far—that’s where a personal trainer comes in.”

The professionals at Pulse keep their clients actively involved in their training routines by holding them accountable for the results they’re getting. Every two weeks, a 9-point body composition test is done to track progress and set new goals.

“We document every workout and maintain a log for each client,” says Dylan. “Our bodies are machines that respond to the stress we put them under. The only way to see results from a fitness program is by increasing the level and intensity of the workout over time.”

A personal trainer for 10 years, Dylan has a decorated fitness history that includes being named Teenage Mr. Florida just six months after he began training in 1995. Dylan, who holds a degree in nutrition, was also Mr. Wisconsin in 2000 and Mr. Minnesota in 2004. In 2002 Dylan was awarded the Midwest Ironman award and in 2005 he placed fifth in the Mr. America competition.

And to think it all began with a trip to the car lot.

“The salesman was a bodybuilder and I was in awe of what he looked like,” Dylan recalls. “I ended up training with him and my career in the industry grew from there.

“I’m very passionate about the subject,” he adds. “When people ask me about fitness, they get excited about it, too—even people who don’t already workout. I’m grateful I have that effect on people.”

After owning a Minnesota studio for five years, Dylan made the move to Florida to be closer to family.

“This was the perfect place to settle and open a training facility,” he says.

Pulse is a state-of-the-art fitness facility where the professionals use cutting edge training techniques to educate and motivate clients to achieve a level of fitness previously thought out of reach.

“People want to walk before they crawl,” Dylan says. “Our first steps with each client are to do a structural assessment of form and posture, correct any weaknesses or inflexibilities, and begin to strengthen the lower back and abdominals. 

“The core muscles are really the foundation of my training,” Dylan adds. “Until those muscles are in shape, it’s hard to successfully complete other exercises. I’m a stickler for good form.”

Open to all ages, Pulse Personal Training targets clients who want to look and feel better, but who don’t have the knowledge to put together and maintain an effective fitness plan. Dylan is joined by two additional trainers, Marci Comer and Scott Lashinske, all three are NASM-certified trainers.


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