Class Acts – March 2018

Marion’s Top Teacher

Helene Hotaling is Marion County’s 2018 Teacher of the Year. The 28-year teaching veteran from Madison Street Academy received the surprise honor at the annual Golden Apple Gala sponsored by the Public Education Foundation of Marion County. Hotaling, whose husband was Marion County’s Teacher of the Year in 2002, also won a free car for three years from Jenkins Auto Group. She’s now in the running for Florida’s Teacher of the Year to be announced this summer.

Purple Hearts Abound

Marion County is quickly becoming home to reserved parking for Purple Heart recipients. Nearly 20 schools now have front-row spots for these distinguished military veterans who visit our schools and volunteer, sharing their real-life experiences as living history lessons. Belleview High and South Ocala Elementary are the latest schools to put Purple Heart parking in the spotlight up front and center.

Class Of 2029 Starts Early

What happens when you mix first-graders with high school students? Great experiences with bright outlooks for future careers! Youngsters from Reddick-Collier Elementary spent a morning at Marion Technical Institute recently, escorted by students involved in the school’s career programs. These young students created their own cookies in culinary arts, took their own fingerprints in the law program and even tied their own neckties in the business and finance program. Who knows—these could be future MTI students in a few short years.

Fun Night “Fur” The Fair

Future Farmers of America students made a lasting impression when they brought a live trio of animals, including a rooster, rabbit and goat before the school board recently. The students were promoting the Southeastern Youth Fair, the annual event involving hundreds of students from dozens of schools in tons of ag-based projects. Some schools end up winning big time dollars when their animals are auctioned to the highest bidder. Most importantly, students learn responsibility, teamwork and lots of other personal skills in the process.

Goal: Be The Best

These Belleview-Santos Elementary soccer champs know what it takes to win. Led by Coaches Netherclift and Humphries, these eight boys and eight girls (not all pictured) are fifth-graders. They played five games to reach the championship, demonstrated great sportsmanship all along the way and live the “Big 3” rule to do their best, do what’s right and treat others the way they want to be treated. Looks like the Yearlings took the championship with class this year!

Posted in The Hive

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