Leading Women – Suzanne Rice

Suzanne Rice
Suzanne Rice Design Consultants, LLC

Working closely with clients, being adaptable to change and combining elements of economics, psychology and design are ways Suzanne Rice helps others “find the design they haven’t discovered.” Her passion for learning new things and exploring new ideas often translates into concepts that combine her skills with clients’ desires. With the advent of so many online options, Suzanne says it is critical for home and business owners to consult with an experienced designer who can marry the elements of budget, scale and design concept into an artistic solution.

What was the catalyst that led you to this industry?
I stumbled onto design after realizing that corporate life and repetitious activities did not capture my interest.

What are the biggest challenges facing your industry, and how are you overcoming the hurdles?
With the onset of design apps, such as Houzz, and online purchasing by clients, it is very easy for a homeowner to get confused or make erroneous decisions. I offer consultation to assist with the decision making. Clients will send me numerous ideas of things they like. For me, the excitement builds internally. As a designer, my task is to dissect each photo to find the common thread and combine this multifariousness into an artistic and plausible solution encompassing psychology, economics and design. So, I guess in reality, there are no hurdles, just exciting challenges.

Who are your role models and mentors?
My mentor is interior designer Paula Greenberg. She is beautiful inside and out. We have like minds and she has willingly and effortlessly shared everything she knows with me through many years. When I started working for her she never once made me think I had a bad idea or lacked the talent to be an interior designer.

What causes are close to your heart, and how do you hope to advance those causes through your contribution?
I am concerned about the increasing lack of initiative in people. My personal heartbeat is to learn something every day. I hope my excitement to explore new ideas and bring them to fruition is the new contagious virus and that passion is the search engine that will be embraced. If everyone actively searches for and finds their calling this world will excel with new solutions and discoveries.

What advice would you offer anyone who aspires to become a leader in their industry or community through service?
God put us on this earth to serve. My advice to become a leader is to find your passion and share the energy—without hesitation—of what you have learned through experience so the lives you touch also gain.

Do you have a mantra?
“Design beyond the lines.” But I am thinking of adding, “Making solutions.”

The best leaders lead by example, so what do you hope your example encourages others to emulate?
I am hopeful others will embrace my honest, conscientious thrill for life, recognizing that positive thinking and prayer will produce great results. I acknowledge and learn from my mistakes (not necessarily admitting them out loud, however.)

What is your favorite part of living in this community?
I love the serenity and beauty of Ocala.

Contact Suzanne Rice at (352) 208-7509 or suzannericedesign@gmail.com.

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