Welcome to the new Ocala Style.
As you’re flipping through the pages of our December issue, you might notice a fresh, new design. We think you’ll enjoy the light and airy feel of newest issue. Make sure to check out some of our new columns, including Curator’s Corner, Thoughts of a Millennial and Jesse’s Review. While reading, be sure to read our 2018: A Year In Review feature. We invited four community members to discuss some of the events and happenings that shaped Ocala in 2018. Also this month, we’re welcoming back one of our favorite events: The Great Toy Giveaway. Now in its sixth year, Ocala Style and the King Law Firm are giving away more than 200 toys starting on December 3 through December 20 right on the King Law Firm’s Facebook page. Just head to their page and click on the Events tab to find out how to join in on the fun. Happy Holidays and thank you for reading Ocala Style in 2018. See you next year!