Social Scene | November 2023

The Rock provides essential items to local students. The nonprofit was a beneficiary of this year’s Give4Marion campaign, which is a program of the Community Foundation for Ocala/Marion County. Toby Fernandez, Ron “Rondo” Fernandez and Amber Ellman were on hand for the September 20th celebration event, which announced that $1,401,135 was raised in 33 hours of giving.

Photo by Bruce Ackerman

Photos by Bruce Ackerman

This was a record-setting year for Give4Marion, a program of the Community Foundation for Ocala/Marion County, as $1,401,135 was raised in 33 hours of giving. Leaders of many area nonprofits were on hand September 20th to celebrate the milestone.

Tea at the Fort
Photos by Bruce Ackerman

Guests of all ages, many dressed in elegant chapeau, along with volunteers in period costumes, enjoyed two seatings on September 23rd, each of which included servings of tea and finger foods, along with information about pioneer foods and native plants and herbs.

IHMC Evening Lecture
Photos by Bruce Ackerman

The institute’s popular series kicked off the new season on September 28th with healthy longevity expert Alexander Fleming. Each monthly lecture begins with a festive reception and always draws a wide range of members of the community.

Pink Halloween Bunco Bash
Photos by Bruce Ackerman

The annual tournament hosted by the Bunco Babes Ocala group raises funds for Michelle-O-Gram, which helps women get needed mammograms. The October 6th event had a theme of Scare Away Breast Cancer and, of course, the venue was awash in a sea of hot pink.

Posted in Insider, Marion Features, Social Scene

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