Top 20 Covers

As we look back on the first 20 years of Ocala Style Magazine, we can’t help but reminisce about some of our favorite stories, interviews and covers. In an effort to share some of those cherished memories with you, we tasked ourselves with choosing our favorite covers to represent these past 20 years. It was no easy feat to select just 20 covers! After much debate, the results were narrowed down, and we are happy to share our selections on the following pages. 

We hope you enjoy this stroll down memory lane as much as we did!


This cover received the most votes as a Top 20 favorite by our staff members.

This is Cool Hand Luke, an acrylic on canvas artist who resides at Two Tails Ranch in Williston. Yes, we’re talking about the elephant.

Guy Harvey created this original piece of artwork specifically for our cover.
This is Casey Allen, graphic designer turned firefighter. He was instructed to “get messy” while enjoying his ribs.

Each of the images used to create this cover was once featured in a prior issue.

This clever issue features a Simpsonized version of the magazine staff.
Look closely. The word “style” is written in the stars.
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