
New Year, New You

Popular health food store Vitalize Natural Market and Juice Bar did more than just change their name. They’re changing the health of Ocala residents with the recent introduction of a 100 percent organic juice bar.


ou can try all the fad diets you want, but everyone knows that to really be at your healthiest you need to eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables. And although many will make that resolution this month, few will be able to stick to it for long, touting claims of expense or time-commitment woes.

But this year, thanks to Cara Owens and her Vitalize Natural Market and Juice Bar, Ocala residents will have the opportunity to supplement their diets in an easy, affordable and 100 percent organic way.

“We always knew we wanted to provide fresh and healthy options for busy people,” says Cara, who opened the Vitalize Nutrition Company two years ago. The success of the store allowed Cara to expand her offerings to include the newly opened juice bar. But these are not the sugary drinks that can sit for years on supermarket shelves. Rather, Cara’s juices are prepared from 100 percent organic fruits and vegetables and are prepared on-site daily.

Like many avid “juicers” out there, Cara understood the benefits of incorporating fresh juices into a diet. Chock-full of vitamins and minerals, juices extracted from fresh produce are an easy, efficient and cost-effective way to ensure you’re getting your daily servings of fruit and veggies.

“Customers are already saying how much better they feel,” says Cara, who is thrilled at the juice bar’s popularity. Although all of the juices are delicious, she notes that the Berry Green, a combination of kale, apple, strawberry, lime and cilantro is a customer favorite so far. They also offer a line of smoothies including “The Boss,” consisting of almond milk, frozen bananas, chocolate protein and PB2 powdered peanut butter, and “Topical Green,” their version of a “healthy piña colada.”

The juices are made to order and for those looking to be in and out fast, Vitalize offers a call-ahead service and pre-bottled juices that are made fresh every day.

So this year, stick to your resolution and visit Vitalize Natural Market and Juice Bar, where you’ll also find a large variety of healthy products, supplements and more.

Vitalize Natural Market and Juice Bar

4414 SW College Rd., Suite 1520, Ocala

(352) 509-6839

Posted in Ocala Style Promotional Features

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