Brighten Up Your Brunch

Waking up early is hardly anyone’s favorite thing to do, especially on the weekends. Instead of planning an elaborate menu for brunch with family and friends, keep your plans simple and hit that snooze button. Transform a favorite recipe with new, inspired ingredients instead of traditional brunch fare.

Try putting a twist on a classic breakfast by opting for Maple Leaf Farms Duck Bacon instead of pork bacon. It’s thick cut, ready to cook and perfect for pairing with eggs, pastries or fruit. With a hearty taste and texture and 57 percent less fat than traditional pork bacon, duck bacon can satisfy hungry, waiting guests and give them a tasty start to their weekend.

This brunch recipe for Duck Bacon and Brie Cheese Stuffed French Toast can be thrown together in an instant with mouthwatering ingredients. The addition of duck bacon adds a unique flavor and wow-factor that can leave guests asking for more.

Find more brunch recipes and information about cooking with duck at

Duck Bacon and Brie Cheese Stuffed French Toast

Recipe courtesy of Chef Ben Vaughn on behalf of Maple Leaf Farms

  • Butter, for coating pan
  • 4 large eggs
  • dash of salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 ounce bourbon
  • 8 slices day-old sourdough bread
  • 8 ounces Brie cheese
  • 12 slices Maple Leaf Farms Duck Bacon, cooked crispy
  • 8 tablespoons melted butter, for topping
  • maple syrup, for topping
  • powdered sugar, for topping

Heat oven to 375°F. › Butter baking sheet well. › In small bowl, beat eggs with salt, sugar, milk, vanilla and bourbon. › Pour into flat-bottomed dish. › Submerge all bread slices in dish to soak up some of egg mixture. › Work in batches, if necessary. › Turn with spatula, and soak other side. Do not soak too long or bread will be too saturated and difficult to handle. › Gently transfer four soaked bread slices to prepared baking sheet. › Place 2 ounces cheese on each slice. › Add three slices crispy bacon on top of each cheese portion. › Top with another soaked bread slice. › Press filled bread together firmly. › Place baking sheet in oven; bake 15-20 minutes, turning after 8-10 minutes to brown both sides. › Serve immediately with melted butter, maple syrup and powdered sugar.

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